Experience community and football at Super 6’s in Bayside


field Map

Comp dates

6 October – 24 November

8 weeks, 8 games

$80 per person, up front payment

$10 casual sub in on the night

$5,000 prize pool

Registration Process

You can register individually or as a Team

Download an individual or team form, fill it in and email to

Once you have emailed the form through, please transfer your payment ro the Bayside United bank account details on the form. 

Individual Form

Team Form

Logistics & FAQ

We want you to be able to play. If you have any questions or need help with our forms, please let us know by contacting



Who can play?

U6 – U7

U8 – U9

U10 – U11

U12 – U13

U14 – U15 – U16

Men’s (16 – 34)

Men’s over 35’s

Men’s over 45’s

Women’s (16 – 34)

Women’s over 35’s

Women’s over 45’s

Mum’s (all ages)

Dads (all ages)

Team mixes

We’d like to have rounds for our juniors (U6 – U16) plus rounds for mum’s, dad’s, and even families if they wanted to sign up. We will design rounds based on the teams that register.

Kids love to play. Football
Friendship and football. #youbelongatbayside
Teamwork and success


Can we register our team in Squadi?

The current version of Squadi isn’t built to manage registration of entire teams. To try and make it a bit easier for you we will manage this one through spreadsheets and reconcile your information in the background. Please let us know if we miss something for you in the process.

How many people can be in a team? Will we play positions?

For children, maximum 9. If you’re over 35 we’ll let you have more! There are no positions in Super Sixes except goalie.

What are the prizes?

These could be Pilates Vouchers, meat trays and more. Watch this space!

Will we play mixed, female / male only, parents and children games?

We’re not sure yet. We need to see how many people and types of teams register, to understand how we can structure our teams. The aim of this season will be to have a fun, fair game. We will consult with all teams who may not get their preferred team mix.

Will we have a referee?

Yes, Referees will be provided by the Club. Some of your fees will cover their wage.

What happens if we don’t have enough players?

The short answer is, we want you to be able to play. The longer answer is: If you don’t have enough to form a team, we can help you. Contact If you don’t have enough players on the night, you can bring a friend. $10 a game, pay at the clubhouse.